Monthly Archives: July 2023

Q2/23 Downtown Market Report

Bradford Allen is pleased to share with you our latest office market report.

This quarter in the downtown office market:

  • Absorption levels turned positive in Q2/23, as more than 64,000 square feet of office space was absorbed this quarter—a significant improvement compared to the negative 1.8 million square feet of absorption in Q1.
  • Direct vacancy rate remained steady, sitting at 19.2%.
  • The gross asking rate for the market is $44.25 p.s.f.
  • Available sublease space increased to 7.8 million square feet in Q2/23.


Mid-Year 2023 Suburban Chicago Office Market Report

Bradford Allen is pleased to share with you our latest office market report.

This half in the suburban office market:

  • Leasing activity surpassed pre-pandemic levels, as nearly 2.6 million square feet of office space has been leased year-to-date.
  • Absorption levels remained negative at -332,000 s.f. through mid-year 2023.
  • Direct vacancy rate decreased to 26.9%.
  • The gross asking rate for the market is $26.67 p.s.f.
  • Sublet availability slightly declined to 3.9% in Q4/22.